

For only $5!

Becoming a member means that you can take advantage of all our great Member promotions, you will get discounts all throughout the club and you can make the most of our ClubMulwala Rewards program.

Click here to see all of our Members Benefits


Why not Join Today?

To become a member all your need to do is:

1. Download and fill in an application form 
    Click here to Download our Membership Form

2. Return your completed form along with your payment details and photo identification to us.
    You can email your application to
    Fax it to 03 5744 2430
    Or deliver it to our reception staff. 

Following approval of your membership application, your membership card will be available for collect at our Club Reception.

Membership Costs

Membership Year: 1st July to 30th June.

1 Year Membership = $5 

Details on RSL Membership available from Reception.

Please note that copies of identification (including signature) are required with all mailed application forms. A requirement of the Registered Clubs Act is that proof of your identity and your age must  be forwarded with your application. These details will be subject to our privacy policy